Unlocking the Blessings of Rajab: Your Guide to a Sacred Month
Rajab is seventh month of the Islamic calendar and it holds significant spiritual importance as one of the four sacred months decreed by Allah (SWT). It stands as a prelude to Sha’ban and the holy month of Ramadan, encapsulating several benefits and virtues for worshippers, marked by some of the most precious days in the Islamic calendar.
Rajab, known as ‘Rajab al-Fard’ or ‘Rajab the Separate One’, is distinctly revered among the sacred months. Its sanctity was ordained by Allah to safeguard the safety of pilgrims during ’Umrah, the minor pilgrimage.
The significance of our deeds amplifies during these four sacred months and Rajab is no different. Allah's commandment to "not wrong yourselves during them" (Q9:36) underlines the severity of transgressions during these times. Simultaneously, the rewards for righteous deeds increase, emphasizing the need for heightened mindfulness and earnest seeking of Allah’s pleasure during Rajab.
Why is Rajab so important?
3 momentous events in Islamic history occurred in Rajab:
- The marriage of the parents of our beloved Prophet (SAW).
- Aminah, the noble mother of the Prophet (SAW), conceived our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in this month and;
- The miraculous Night Journey & Ascension (Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj) on the 27th night of Rajab, according to prevailing belief, marked by divine gifts including the institution of five daily prayers, the last verses of Surah Al Baqarah, and the promise of Paradise for believers.
Abundance of Blessings and Mercy
Also known as ‘Rajab al-Asabb’ or ‘the 'Pouring Rajab’, this month heralds a cascade of blessings, yet the significance of seeking divine favor during this time is often overshadowed by Ramadan though Rajab provides a unique chance to invest in one’s spiritual journey.
How can we maximize spiritual benefits in Rajab?
Increase your charitable deeds: It’s a great opportunity to seek the pleasure of Allah and make the intention to increase your charitable deeds so as to benefit from the increased reward of good deeds in this sacred month. Remember to make the intention of doing it for the sake of Allah.
Strive to be better: Just as good deeds are amplified, sins also carry more weight in the sacred months so make an intention to work harder to leave that which is unlawful and displeasing to Allah. The month of Rajab offers an opportunity for tawbah and seeking Allah’s forgiveness and infinite mercies.
As we enter the month of Rajab, understanding its significance and implementing these virtues can serve as a preparation and stepping stone into Ramadan to enhance our spiritual journey.
Dua of Rajab
اللّهُمَّ بارِكْ لَنا في رَجَبٍ وَ شَعْبانَ وَ بَلِّغْنا شَهْرَ رَمَضانَ، وَ أَعِنَّا عَلَى الصِّيامِ وَ الْقِيامِ، وَ حِفْظِ اللِّسانِ، وَ غَضِّ الْبَصَرِ، وَ لا تَجْعَلْ حَظَّنا مِنْهُ الْجُوعَ وَ الْعَطَشَ
Allahumma baarik lana fi Rajab wa Sha’ban wa ballighna Ramadan, wa a’inna ‘ala al-siyami wal-qiyami wa hifzil-lisani wa ghadzil-basar, wa la taj’al hazzana minhu al-ju’u wal-‘atash.
O Allah! Bless us in the months of Rajab and Sha’ban, and let us reach Ramadan. Help us to perform fasting and standing and guarding of the tongue and lowering of the gaze. And let not our share of it be hunger and thirst.
May Allah make this endeavor easy for us all. Allahumma Balighna Ramadan! Ameen
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